Amazon keywords are of great significance for sellers for multiple reasons. To begin with, keywords let you understand what and how shoppers are searching for the products they need.
Then, using the right set of keywords in your listing can help you make your offering visible for the relevant shopping queries. Moreover, running ads for the right keywords makes your money spent on promotion worth it.
You can learn to carry out manual keyword research (by looking at Google and Amazon search suggestions, other listings, etc). However, it is hard to achieve the finesse and subsequently the required results with manual keyword research.
This is where a keyword research tool comes in.
What is classified as a keyword research tool, and how does it help with Amazon keyword research?
We will try to answer these crucial questions in this post.
Before we discuss how you can use a keyword tool to carry out your Amazon keyword research, it is imperative to understand what it actually is.
An Amazon keyword research tool is essentially a program/software that intuitively conducts keyword research on a seed keyword or ASIN while using Amazon data (e.g. autocomplete suggestions). Moreover, a good Amazon keyword tool doesn’t just generate a list of keywords. It also provides you with some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to the generated list of keywords. These KPIs can be estimated monthly search volumes, PPC bids, competition factor, etc.
The data extraction, extrapolations, and estimations of a professional keyword tool are almost impossible to get with manual keyword research.
A best Amazon keyword is the one that can boost your listing position in Amazon search results and subsequently improve the engagement on your listings and bring conversions. In the keyword search, you need to find keywords that boast good search volume but should not be inundated with too many similar listings.
In other words, you need to discover niche-specific, long-tail keywords that boast reasonably good search volume but don’t have too much competition.
It looks like a challenging task with manual research. A manual keyword expedition won’t just take too long, but you may still not get the desired results.
This is where a tool can come in handy. Here, we will show you how you can use ZonGuru’s Keyword on Fire (KWOF) to find the best keywords for your listings.
This is the main window of KWOF. Let’s break down all the different options you see here.
Note: We will use the “acrylic paints” product category to understand how to mine data and get the list of desired keywords through a tool.
The tool might take a minute or two to run an analysis and gather all the information on a single palette. Once the tool finishes the analysis, its status goes from Working to Complete. You can then click the eye button to see the results.
The following window will open when you click the eye button.
On the top, you get an overview of the analytics, i.e. number of competitors, unique keywords for which the selected listings are ranked, total revenue attributed to those keywords, and total search volume of all the keywords.
Then in the middle, you can see filter options that let you refine your results in line with your requirements. Finally, the last section of this page contains the keywords list with multiple columns and vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
Since the overview widget on the top is self-explanatory, let’s explore the underneath columns and rows in more detail.
Besides the keyword list, there are 13 columns, giving away different valuable nuggets of information. Move the horizontal scroll bar to the right to see all the columns.
After those 13 data columns, you can see the 25 columns representing the ranking position of the ASINs for the corresponding keywords. The color coding here represents the ranking range.
All these pieces of information can be used to analyze the chosen ASINs (competitors) as well as obtained keywords. Next, we will show you how you can use KWOF to carry out particular keyword research tasks.
Niche-specific keywords are long-tail keywords highly specific to a particular product category. Niche-specific keywords involve less competition and cater to a stronger buying intent. This combination usually makes them a better option than short-tail keywords, which broadly cover an entire class of products and a broader consumer base.
If you are exploring a product type and want to identify all its niche-specific keywords along with meaningful data (sales, search volume, PPC bid estimates, etc), KWOF will come in handy.
Suppose you want to make a list of niche keywords for acrylic paints. You can use the KWOF’s Add products by phrases feature and get the top ASINs for the key phrase (as laid down in the previous section). When finding out niche-specific keywords, select all the Available ASINs that KWOF returns you for your search query. This way, you can find the maximum number of niche keywords.
In the above example, we get 300 unique keywords by running our search on the phrase “acrylic paints” with 21 ASINs.
“Acrylic paints" is a generic term representing an entire paint category. Many customers are more likely to search for a specific acrylic paint product that fulfills their particular needs. The results shown in the above snippet from the KWOF validate this tendency. Many people buying acrylic paints mainly look for acrylic paints for kids and acrylic paint sets.
The corresponding data points for all these niche keywords can help you classify your general product (acrylic paints in this case) into a particular sub-category, e.g. acrylic paint for kids, acrylic paint for adults, non-toxic acrylic paint, acrylic paint brushes, metallic acrylic paint. This way, you can optimize your listing for the audience with a stronger buying intent.
The search term “acrylic paints” gives 300 unique keywords in the above example. The list has hundreds of long-tail keywords. You perhaps can’t optimize your listing for all of them. KWOF understands this challenge and lets you shortlist the most relevant long-tail keywords through its multifaceted filter.
From here, you can carry out your keyword research with more finesse. First, you can include and omit particular words. Then, you can set the character length, number of word limits, and ranges for your keywords. On top of that, you can use multiple filters simultaneously to get more precise results.
Let’s see how you can use them to get the list of long-tail keywords you want.
Suppose you want a list of long-tail keywords containing at least four or more words and the terms "kids” and “set”.
You have now shortlisted 16 keywords from the list of 300 that contain four or more words and have words like “kids” and “sets”.
Using these filters, you can develop a concise list of relevant long-tail keywords related to your niche and product that can subsequently pay dividends through your PPC and SEO work.
Finding low competition keywords is also possible with KWOF— thanks to the columns that show the top ASINs ranking for the corresponding keywords. Once you are done searching for your seed keyword and the corresponding top ASINs (up to 25), move the horizontal scroll bar to the right side.
Here, you can overview your competitors' performance for all the relevant keywords. The rows with more red and orange markings indicate that the corresponding keywords are tough to compete for.
On the other hand, the rows with more dashes and green markings show that most of your competitors are not ranking among the top 50 for the corresponding keywords. You need to mark those rows because it is easier for your listing to get a spot on the first page for the related keywords.
This way, you can easily find the low competition keywords. However, ensure that you only pick the low-competition keywords that also boast a reasonably good monthly search volume (around 1000-2000).
By using the above-discussed methods, you can use KWOF to find the best (niche-specific, long-tail, low-competition) keywords in a single quick session.
First, pick the general category of your product, e.g. acrylic paints. Then, search for this phrase with corresponding top ASINs to get the list of 300 related unique keywords. First, pick your niche-specific keywords by setting the filter that a keyword must contain the word “acrylic”. It will trim down your list to 109 keywords.
Now, shortlist the long-tail keywords by setting the filter that a keyword should at least contain four words. The list will be further trimmed down to 53 keywords.
Now, scroll the horizontal bar to the right to find the low-competition keywords.
The keyword doesn’t have many of the top ASINS there. Also, it boasts a good search volume (6,787)
This is another keyword where competition is not that fierce, and the volume is also good.
This niche-specific long-tail keyword also boasts reasonable search volume with the nominal competition.
As you can see, you don’t need to grind for hours to come up with a list of the best keywords for your optimization work and PPC campaigns. Instead, deploying a good research tool ensures you can get your required keywords without too much grinding and hassle.
The entire point of doing intelligent and extensive keyword research is to find phrases for which you can rank your listing on top spots to accumulate more clicks and, subsequently, more sales. However, optimizing your listing with the right set of keywords is not the only thing that will improve its ranking.
Amazon’s A9 Algorithm determines how products/listings should be ranked in search results. This algorithm supposedly bases its decision-making on relevancy, conversion, and customer satisfaction/retention.
You can get full relevancy points by ensuring that the listing content exactly describes your product. Everything should be highly relevant to the product you offer, from title to bullets and product descriptions to specifications. Amazon also lets you add search terms (backend keywords) that you can associate with your product.
The keyword and phrases you obtain from your research can come in handy here. You can use the best-chosen keywords in listing content (bullets, title, search terms, etc) to make your product relevant to the search queries of potential buyers.
Conversion on a listing depends on multiple factors. It includes price, customer reviews, answered questions, product images, etc. Suppose you offer a competitive price, rack favorable customer reviews, and answer all the relevant queries about your products. In that case, you will witness a lesser bounce rate and higher conversion rate. A good conversion rate signals the A9 algorithm to prefer a listing over competitors in search results.
There are multiple metrics that tell Amazon about how your listing ranks for customer satisfaction. Besides negative seller feedback, many other KPIs play a role in deciding customer satisfaction/retention quotient.
Order Defect Rate: This metric is the ratio of orders with customer claims over the total number of orders.
Perfect Order Percentage: The number of orders processed with no a-to-z guarantee claims, negative feedback, late shipments, cancellation, and refunds.
Exit Rate: The percentage of instances when a buyer views your listing and then exits Amazon.
In Stock Rate: It tells about how much stock you have in inventory to fulfill orders. A low in stock rate means pre-fulfillment cancellation and higher refunds, certainly not the desired outcomes for improving customer satisfaction and retention.
If you can register good performance on these three fronts (keyword research and integration play an integral role here), you’ll be able to increase your ranking for almost all the relevant keywords.
If you’re carrying out keyword research for your Amazon listings, you should know the answers to these critical questions.
Hidden keywords are called “Search Terms” in the Keyword tab of the listing creation page on Seller Central. They are essentially any words related to your product that aren't visible to customers when they go through your listing content (title, bullets, description). These are broad words and synonyms associated with your product, and a buyer may include them in their search queries.
Moreover, you can’t include Brand names, subjective claims, and ASINs as hidden keywords.
Amazon doesn’t specify any particular limit of keywords in the listing content. You can add as many as you want within the limit of the corresponding section (bullets, title, and description). However, there is a limit for backend keywords (search terms). Amazon allows you to add 250 characters (without space) in the backend keywords section.
Style keywords let you put your product in a specific category (or style). You can use style keywords in the listing content and the Search Terms column.
Style keywords react to filters that buyers can apply in the left navigation bar of the product search page to refine their search results.
Filters in the left navigation bar for women's tank tops. The patterns, styles, fit type, and clothing size mentioned here can be used as style keywords in the relevant listings.
If your Amazon listing is not indexing for a particular keyword, even if the product and keywords are relevant, then do the following:
You should use as many keywords in titles, bullets, and product descriptions as possible. However, ensure that the keywords are in the right context and help customers understand the product better. Stuffing a listing with keywords at the expense of readability won’t pay you the dividends you’re looking for.
You usually don't need to do extensive research to find your primary keyword. It is mainly the one that completely describes your product. For instance, if you sell acrylic paints that are non-toxic. Your main keyword will be non-toxic acrylic paints. This will also be the primary keyword you must use in the title of your listing.
The above discussion makes a strong case of how using an easy-to-use Amazon keyword tools like KWOF can make your Amazon keyword research easy and insightful. You can find the most suitable keywords for your listing content and backend search terms without doing the manual toil that can span several hours to multiple days. Instead, the intelligent use of a keyword research tool can provide you with the desired list of keywords within a couple of hours.
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